فارسی عربي

‘A Beautiful Revolution’ under scrutiny

ifilm critically examines recently aired series – part 8.

As the finale of ifilm series ‘A Beautiful Revolution’ was recently aired, we are providing our audience with an analytic account of the events during the story, in a few parts.

In the previous articles, we talked of the symbolism depicted in the series, with ‘Beautiful’ representing the territory (Iran), and Able and Cane, the sons of Adam, respectively represented by Hamed and Jaber. Here is more on the series.


It is surprising how Hamed, as someone with a personal and family experience on Jaber and the ex-regime, is primarily fouled by Jaber and cooperates with him; that is while he supposes he is serving the nation all the time. It is a good hint for those who love the Islamic revolution, not to be easily tricked under the guise of serving the nation.

Nevertheless, he unwillingly sets out with Jaber, but is so determined in his choice that he simply ignores his mom’s warnings about Jaber and that he should not trust him. However, the forewarnings sow the seeds of reconsideration in Hamed’s heart who pursues the truth.

In the quest, he examines the historical documents of the ex-regime’s intelligence service and the king’s men records which lastly reveals traces of Jaber’s insincerity; Hamed merely juxtaposes his observations with Jaber’s published memoirs in which the bad guy’s determination to fabricate issues in history became crystal clear to Hamed.

In the end, Hamed, who we learn was an intelligent officer himself from the outset or somewhere halfway, is chosen by Ziba, the other option having been Jaber; and that means Ziba (the homeland and belief) picks its own revolutionary son.

Visit us back here often for another part of the analytic review of the series storyline and events.

